Source code for petlx.index

__author__ = 'Alistair Miles <>'

import operator
import itertools
import sys

from petl.util import RowContainer, dicts
from petlx.util import UnsatisfiedDependency

dep_message = """
The package whoosh is required. Try pip install whoosh.

[docs]def fromindex(index_or_dirname, indexname=None, docnum_field=None): """ Extract all documents from a Whoosh index. E.g.:: >>> # set up an index and load some documents via the Whoosh API ... from whoosh.index import create_in >>> from whoosh.fields import * >>> schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT) >>> index = create_in('tmp/example', schema) >>> writer = index.writer() >>> writer.add_document(title=u"First document", path=u"/a", ... content=u"This is the first document we've added!") >>> writer.add_document(title=u"Second document", path=u"/b", ... content=u"The second one is even more interesting!") >>> writer.commit() >>> # extract documents as a table ... from petl import look >>> from petlx.index import fromindex >>> tbl = fromindex('tmp/example') >>> look(tbl) +--------+--------------------+ | 'path' | 'title' | +========+====================+ | u'/a' | u'First document' | +--------+--------------------+ | u'/b' | u'Second document' | +--------+--------------------+ .. versionadded:: 0.16 Parameters ---------- index_or_dirname Either an instance of `whoosh.index.Index` or a string containing the directory path where the index is stored. indexname String containing the name of the index, if multiple indexes are stored in the same directory. docnum_field If not None, an extra field will be added to the output table containing the internal document number stored in the index. The name of the field will be the value of this argument. Returns ------- A table-like object (row container). """ return IndexContainer(index_or_dirname, indexname=indexname, docnum_field=docnum_field)
class IndexContainer(RowContainer): def __init__(self, index_or_dirname, indexname=None, docnum_field=None): self._index_or_dirname = index_or_dirname self._indexname = indexname self._docnum_field = docnum_field def __iter__(self): return iterindex(self._index_or_dirname, self._indexname, self._docnum_field) def iterindex(index_or_dirname, indexname, docnum_field): try: import whoosh except ImportError as e: raise UnsatisfiedDependency(e, dep_message) else: if isinstance(index_or_dirname, basestring): dirname = index_or_dirname index = whoosh.index.open_dir(dirname, indexname=indexname, readonly=True) needs_closing = True elif isinstance(index_or_dirname, whoosh.index.Index): index = index_or_dirname needs_closing = False else: raise Exception('expected string or index, found %r' % index_or_dirname) try: if docnum_field is None: # figure out the field names fields = tuple(index.schema.stored_names()) yield fields # yield all documents astuple = operator.itemgetter(*index.schema.stored_names()) for _, stored_fields_dict in index.reader().iter_docs(): yield astuple(stored_fields_dict) else: # figure out the field names fields = (docnum_field,) + tuple(index.schema.stored_names()) yield fields # yield all documents astuple = operator.itemgetter(*index.schema.stored_names()) for docnum, stored_fields_dict in index.reader().iter_docs(): yield (docnum,) + astuple(stored_fields_dict) except: raise finally: if needs_closing: # close the index if we're the ones who opened it index.close()
[docs]def toindex(tbl, index_or_dirname, schema=None, indexname=None, merge=False, optimize=False): """ Load all rows from `tbl` into a Whoosh index. N.B., this will clear any existing data in the index before loading. E.g.:: >>> from petl import look >>> from petlx.index import toindex, fromindex >>> # here is the table we want to load into an index ... look(tbl) +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 'f0' | 'f1' | 'f2' | 'f3' | 'f4' | +========+======+======+=======+==================================================+ | u'AAA' | 12 | 4.3 | True | datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 14, 7, 2, 333199) | +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | u'BBB' | 6 | 3.4 | False | datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 31, 0, 0) | +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | u'CCC' | 42 | 7.8 | True | datetime.datetime(2100, 12, 25, 0, 0) | +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ >>> # define a schema for the index ... from whoosh.fields import * >>> schema = Schema(f0=TEXT(stored=True), ... f1=NUMERIC(int, stored=True), ... f2=NUMERIC(float, stored=True), ... f3=BOOLEAN(stored=True), ... f4=DATETIME(stored=True)) >>> # load data ... toindex(tbl, 'tmp/example', schema=schema) >>> # look what it did ... look(fromindex('tmp/example')) +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 'f0' | 'f1' | 'f2' | 'f3' | 'f4' | +========+======+======+=======+==================================================+ | u'AAA' | 12 | 4.3 | True | datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 14, 7, 2, 333199) | +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | u'BBB' | 6 | 3.4 | False | datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 31, 0, 0) | +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | u'CCC' | 42 | 7.8 | True | datetime.datetime(2100, 12, 25, 0, 0) | +--------+------+------+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. versionadded:: 0.16 Parameters ---------- tbl A table-like object (row container) containing the data to be loaded. index_or_dirname Either an instance of `whoosh.index.Index` or a string containing the directory path where the index is to be stored. indexname String containing the name of the index, if multiple indexes are stored in the same directory. merge Merge small segments during commit? optimize Merge all segments together? """ try: import whoosh except ImportError as e: raise UnsatisfiedDependency(e, dep_message) else: # deal with polymorphic argument if isinstance(index_or_dirname, basestring): dirname = index_or_dirname index = whoosh.index.create_in(dirname, schema, indexname=indexname) needs_closing = True elif isinstance(index_or_dirname, whoosh.index.Index): index = index_or_dirname needs_closing = False else: raise Exception('expected string or index, found %r' % index_or_dirname) writer = index.writer() try: for d in dicts(tbl): writer.add_document(**d) writer.commit(merge=merge, optimize=optimize, mergetype=whoosh.writing.CLEAR) except: writer.cancel() raise finally: if needs_closing: index.close()
[docs]def appendindex(tbl, index_or_dirname, indexname=None, merge=True, optimize=False): """ Load all rows from `tbl` into a Whoosh index, adding them to any existing data in the index. .. versionadded:: 0.16 Parameters ---------- tbl A table-like object (row container) containing the data to be loaded. index_or_dirname Either an instance of `whoosh.index.Index` or a string containing the directory path where the index is to be stored. indexname String containing the name of the index, if multiple indexes are stored in the same directory. merge Merge small segments during commit? optimize Merge all segments together? """ try: import whoosh except ImportError as e: raise UnsatisfiedDependency(e, dep_message) else: # deal with polymorphic argument if isinstance(index_or_dirname, basestring): dirname = index_or_dirname index = whoosh.index.open_dir(dirname, indexname=indexname, readonly=False) needs_closing = True elif isinstance(index_or_dirname, whoosh.index.Index): index = index_or_dirname needs_closing = False else: raise Exception('expected string or index, found %r' % index_or_dirname) writer = index.writer() try: for d in dicts(tbl): writer.add_document(**d) writer.commit(merge=merge, optimize=optimize) except Exception as e: writer.cancel() raise finally: if needs_closing: index.close()
[docs]def searchindex(index_or_dirname, query, limit=10, indexname=None, docnum_field=None, score_field=None, fieldboosts=None, search_kwargs=dict()): """ Search an index using a query. E.g.:: >>> # set up an index and load some documents via the Whoosh API ... from whoosh.index import create_in >>> from whoosh.fields import * >>> schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT) >>> index = create_in('tmp/example', schema) >>> writer = index.writer() >>> writer.add_document(title=u"Oranges", path=u"/a", ... content=u"This is the first document we've added!") >>> writer.add_document(title=u"Apples", path=u"/b", ... content=u"The second document is even more " ... u"interesting!") >>> writer.commit() >>> # demonstrate the use of searchindex() ... from petl import look >>> from petlx.index import searchindex >>> look(searchindex('tmp/example', 'oranges')) +--------+------------+ | 'path' | 'title' | +========+============+ | u'/a' | u'Oranges' | +--------+------------+ >>> look(searchindex('tmp/example', 'doc*')) +--------+------------+ | 'path' | 'title' | +========+============+ | u'/a' | u'Oranges' | +--------+------------+ | u'/b' | u'Apples' | +--------+------------+ .. versionadded:: 0.16 Parameters ---------- index_or_dirname Either an instance of `whoosh.index.Index` or a string containing the directory path where the index is to be stored. query Either a string or an instance of `whoosh.query.Query`. If a string, it will be parsed as a multi-field query, i.e., any terms not bound to a specific field will match **any** field. limit Return at most `limit` results. indexname String containing the name of the index, if multiple indexes are stored in the same directory. docnum_field If not None, an extra field will be added to the output table containing the internal document number stored in the index. The name of the field will be the value of this argument. score_field If not None, an extra field will be added to the output table containing the score of the result. The name of the field will be the value of this argument. fieldboosts An optional dictionary mapping field names to boosts. search_kwargs Any extra keyword arguments to be passed through to the Whoosh `search()` method. Returns ------- A table-like object (row container). """ return SearchIndexContainer(index_or_dirname, query, limit=limit, indexname=indexname, docnum_field=docnum_field, score_field=score_field, fieldboosts=fieldboosts, search_kwargs=search_kwargs)
[docs]def searchindexpage(index_or_dirname, query, pagenum, pagelen=10, indexname=None, docnum_field=None, score_field=None, fieldboosts=None, search_kwargs=dict()): """ Search an index using a query, returning a result page. .. versionadded:: 0.16 Parameters ---------- index_or_dirname Either an instance of `whoosh.index.Index` or a string containing the directory path where the index is to be stored. query Either a string or an instance of `whoosh.query.Query`. If a string, it will be parsed as a multi-field query, i.e., any terms not bound to a specific field will match **any** field. pagenum Number of the page to return (e.g., 1 = first page). pagelen Number of results per page. indexname String containing the name of the index, if multiple indexes are stored in the same directory. docnum_field If not None, an extra field will be added to the output table containing the internal document number stored in the index. The name of the field will be the value of this argument. score_field If not None, an extra field will be added to the output table containing the score of the result. The name of the field will be the value of this argument. fieldboosts An optional dictionary mapping field names to boosts. search_kwargs Any extra keyword arguments to be passed through to the Whoosh `search()` method. Returns ------- A table-like object (row container). """ return SearchIndexContainer(index_or_dirname, query, pagenum=pagenum, pagelen=pagelen, indexname=indexname, docnum_field=docnum_field, score_field=score_field, fieldboosts=fieldboosts, search_kwargs=search_kwargs)
class SearchIndexContainer(RowContainer): def __init__(self, index_or_dirname, query, limit=None, pagenum=None, pagelen=None, indexname=None, docnum_field=None, score_field=None, fieldboosts=None, search_kwargs=dict()): self._index_or_dirname = index_or_dirname self._query = query self._limit = limit self._pagenum = pagenum self._pagelen = pagelen self._indexname = indexname self._docnum_field = docnum_field self._score_field = score_field self._fieldboosts = fieldboosts self._search_kwargs = search_kwargs def __iter__(self): return itersearchindex(self._index_or_dirname, self._query, self._limit, self._pagenum, self._pagelen, self._indexname, self._docnum_field, self._score_field, self._fieldboosts, self._search_kwargs) def itersearchindex(index_or_dirname, query, limit, pagenum, pagelen, indexname, docnum_field, score_field, fieldboosts, search_kwargs): try: import whoosh import whoosh.qparser except ImportError as e: raise UnsatisfiedDependency(e, dep_message) else: if isinstance(index_or_dirname, basestring): dirname = index_or_dirname index = whoosh.index.open_dir(dirname, indexname=indexname, readonly=True) needs_closing = True elif isinstance(index_or_dirname, whoosh.index.Index): index = index_or_dirname needs_closing = False else: raise Exception('expected string or index, found %r' % index_or_dirname) try: # figure out header fields = tuple() if docnum_field is not None: fields += (docnum_field,) if score_field is not None: fields += (score_field,) stored_names = tuple(index.schema.stored_names()) fields += stored_names yield fields # parse the query if isinstance(query, basestring): # search all fields by default parser = whoosh.qparser.MultifieldParser( index.schema.names(), index.schema, fieldboosts=fieldboosts ) query = parser.parse(query) elif isinstance(query, whoosh.query.Query): pass else: raise Exception( 'expected string or whoosh.query.Query, found %r' % query ) # make a function to turn docs into tuples astuple = operator.itemgetter(*index.schema.stored_names()) with index.searcher() as searcher: if limit is not None: results =, limit=limit, **search_kwargs) else: results = searcher.search_page(query, pagenum, pagelen=pagelen, **search_kwargs) if docnum_field is None and score_field is None: for doc in results: yield astuple(doc) else: for (docnum, score), doc in itertools.izip(results.items(), results): row = tuple() if docnum_field is not None: row += (docnum,) if score_field is not None: row += (score,) row += astuple(doc) yield row except: raise finally: if needs_closing: # close the index if we're the ones who opened it index.close() # TODO guess schema from petlx.integration import integrate integrate(sys.modules[__name__])